Numbers Help and FAQs

Here’s a list of FAQs about the Numbers game which may answer some of your questions. If you can’t find the answers here, you can also get in touch with our Customer Experience Team with your questions.

When does the Numbers draw take place?

Numbers draws are held every day two times a day - at 2:30 pm and 10:30 pm.

How to play Numbers game?

This can be done in just a few easy steps. Select 3 numbers between 0-9, select your game type from four different options and complete as many entries as you wish. In case you don’t have your lucky numbers, you can use the ‘Quick Pick’ option and the system will randomly choose the numbers for you.

What are the Numbers game types?

To play Numbers you need to choose one of the following systems:

Straight - you win if your numbers match the winning numbers and the order in which they are drawn.

Box - with this game type, you can match the numbers in the draw in any given order and win according to how much you spent on your ticket, and whether you win with a 3-way or 6-way. So, for instance, if your numbers are 112 and the numbers drawn are 121, you win!

Straight / Box – if your numbers match the winning numbers in their exact order, you win both the Straight and Box prizes. You win only the Box prize if your numbers match those drawn in any other order.

Combination - this is simply a convenient way to play all the game types working for you at a slightly higher price than the Straight/Box but should you win, you will win the same amount regardless of whether it was in the exact order or any order but will give you the same prize.

Each game type has its own odds and payouts, you can check them in the table below.

What are the Numbers payouts and odds?

Below are the different prize tiers in Numbers lottery game draws, with specific prizes for each tier.
You can find the different Numbers prize tiers, the odds of winning and the estimated prize amount for each specific tier in the table below:

Game Types Odds Prize Amounts Example
STRAIGHT PLAY 50¢ Play $1 Play
1 in 1,000 $250 $500 If the winning number is 123, you win with 123.
BOX PLAYS 50¢ Play $1 Play
Select a 3-digit number with 2 identical digits
1 in 333 $80 $160 If the winning numbers are 122, you win with 122, 212, 221
Select a 3-digit number with 3 unique digits
1 in 167 $40 $80 If the winning numbers are 213, you win with 213, 123, 312, 321, 132, 231
STRAIGHT/BOX PLAYS Exact Order Match Any Order Match
Select a 3-digit number with 2 identical digits.
1 in 333 $330 $80 Straight + Box: If the winning numbers are 122, you win with 122.
Box: If the winning numbers are 122, you win with 212, 221.
Select a 3-digit number with 3 unique digits.
1 in 167 $290 $40 Straight + Box: If the winning numbers are 321, you win with 321.
Box: If the winning numbers are 321, you win with 231, 312, 132, 213, 123, 321.
COMBINATION PLAYS $1.50 Play $3 Play
Select a 3-digit number with 2 identical digits.
1 in 333 $250 $500 If the winning numbers are 122, you win with 122, 212, 221.
$3 Play $6 Play
Select a 3-digit number with 3 unique digits.
1 in 167 $250 $500 If the winning numbers are 123, you win with 123, 231, 321, 132, 213, 312
PAIR PLAYS 50¢ Play $1 Play
Match the first two digits of the winning number.
1 in 100 $25 $50 If the winning numbers begin with 12, you win with 120 - 129.
Match the last two digits of the winning number.
1 in 100 $25 $50 If the winning numbers end with 12, you win with 012 - 912.

How do I know if I am a Numbers winner?

If you win, you will be informed by email. You can also compare your numbers with the winning numbers from our Numbers results page, which is updated twice a day after every draw.
If you are unsure whether you’re one of the lucky winners, you can also contact our Customer Experience Team who will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.